The Report Navigation ToDo is generated when drivers press the ‘Report Issue’ button during navigation. The ToDo can be placed prominently on the Dashboard or can be placed in the hamburger menu if preferred. The ToDo includes a form that the Driver will input additional information, and the identifiers captured during the ‘Report Issue’ button press are also present. This will be emailed to an internal company email address that you will need to provide.
The form cannot be emailed directly to ASR or to Eleos. Eleos noted their ‘Report Issue’ button is not to replace any of the current process of submitting a ticket or verifying items before reaching them. The purpose of the ‘Report Issue’ button is to capture logs in real time, and our additional form adds details that the driver provides along with the logged data. This allows some initial troubleshooting steps to be compiled quickly.
How the Driver Uses this Feature
When drivers are in navigation, they see a ‘Report Issue’ button. If a driver needs to report an issue, they can press the button which will state a report has been generated.
When the driver has a stop moment, they can locate the ToDo, and when they press Send a form will appear.
The driver will be required to fill out the form for the email to be sent, or else no information will be relayed. Once the form is completed, they will see "Pending Verification."
Emailed Form
The completed form will then be emailed to your internal company email that you have provided (i.e., [email protected]). The emailed form will include a hyperlink of a pin of the location in Google Maps, based off the reported latitude and longitude.
Your emailed copy will look as follows:
Your company will be able to review the forms received to determine which reports are valid. A valid report can be submitted to ASR’s ticketing system https://support.asr-solutions.com/support/home or by emailing [email protected]
If ASR rules out a TMS integration issue, then we can send those along to Eleos, who determines if it is platform related or related to their routing provider HERE Technologies.