Zones (also known as geofences) are locations imported into Geotab through the address information stored in your TMS whenever an order is dispatched into Eleos with that address. Whenever an order is dispatched to that address, the zone is checked against the zones already created in Geotab to see if it already exists.  

When zones are automatically created in Geotab, they will be assigned two different zone types, “Automated” and “DefaultShape.”  

  • Automated means that they have been automatically created in Geotab.  
  • DefaultShape means that the zone is in the default 250-yard square shape.  

These default shapes can be problematic if left alone and not adjusted to fit the actual space they are supposed to represent as drivers can catch corners accidentally, triggering automations that can move them forward in their workflow earlier than intended.  

Whenever a zone is automatically created in Geotab, the geofences should be adjusted to fit the actual shape of the area it is supposed to represent. Below, we will walk you through the process of adjusting the zone shape.  

Changing Zone Shape

To do this, you first need to log into your MyGeotab account and navigate to “Zones & Messages,” then click on “Zones.”  


This is where you can access and edit all your zones, among other things. You can use the filter tool at the top of the page to filter the zones and only see those marked with DefaultShape.  


Once you have found the zone you wish to edit, you need to open it on the map so you can edit the geofences.  


This will pull up a map of the area with the default square zone over the location. From here you can click on the zone to access the option to edit the shape.  


Clicking “Change zone shape” will allow you to change the existing points of the zone as well as add additional ones if you need more than 4 sides to your zone. To add a new point to the zone, click one of the sides of the existing shape between two existing points.  


Note that it is advised for zones to not overlap with one another so that geofencing events are more accurately captured. Changing the zone shape can help mitigate overlapping.

Additional Tools

If you are unfamiliar with the area while trying to make the shape, you can use built-in Geotab tools to view the satellite view of the area as well as a brief history of any driver activity in and around the area. These tools will allow you to assess the area and best determine how the zone should be shaped.  

You can toggle from Map view to Satellite view in the upper left corner of the map to view landmarks like buildings and roads.  


Additionally, you can view the history of the area so you can view the activity of your drivers whenever they visit the zone.  

You can toggle the area activity view by clicking on the zone and selecting “Area Activity.” 


Below you can view the paths the drivers take in and out of the area.  


Once you understand how you would like to shape the zone based off your findings, you can click on the zone again, select “Update zone shape,” and change the zone to match your specifications.  


Make sure to save any of your changes with the Save button on the upper edge of the screen.  

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Removing DefaultShape Tag

Once you make your wanted changes to the zone, you should remove the “DefaultShape” tag from the zone, since the zone is no longer the default shape.  

You will need to navigate back to the zone list, then remove the term “DefaultShape” from the “Types” box.  


Make sure to save any of your changes with the Save button on the upper edge of the screen.  

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