This guide will help demonstrate how you can create and configure your dashboard within Drive Axle. This configured dashboard will directly reflect what your driver will see within the application.

Note - When adding a new dashboard the driver or drivers you want to see the new dashboard will need to be configured within your integration.

Start by logging into your Drive Axle account and navigating to the "App Manager" (formerly known as Platform Dashboard).

From here, select the "App Configuration" drop down and go to "Dashboards".

Then, select the "Add a dashboard" option to create a new dashboard. By default it will create a dashboard that already contains one "Carousel" type card. This default card can be changed to whatever is needed.

You can add and configure additional cards by selecting the "Add a card" option. You can also change the name of your dashboard under the "Title" section along with the dashboard's reference name under the "Code" section.

Note - The dashboard's "Code" is what is referenced in your integration to point a driver or drivers to a specific dashboard. The dashboard's "Code" can only be set once when first adding a new dashboard.


Finally, after configuring your dashboard be sure to select "Save" to keep your changes doing so will then update the application.

Note - Changes made and saved in Drive Axle may require logging out and relogging in to refresh the dashboard.